Hand in Hand with Integr8

Hand in Hand with Integr8

Integr8 had a stand at the Hand in Hand (children and families ministry) conference in Eastbourne recently, manned (or ‘womaned’ as Philippa puts it!) by Youth Ambassador Philippa, Project Manager Alan and TTR Trustee Alice.

Philippa writes:

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I'm used to speaking to captive audiences, or just attending conferences, so to sit behind a table and wait for people to speak to me was a new thing.  I wasn't quite sure how it would work, because it would be hard for me to tell if anyone had stopped at our stand, or the stands next door, or if they were waiting for my attention, and if they addressed me, how would I know they were speaking to me?   Alice and I came up with a suggestion, we weren't sure if it would work, but it was worth a try.  Alice wrote on a piece of paper "Please say Hello Philippa, as I cannot see".  I was surprised how many people responded to this - people actually did come up and speak to me!

A Parachute Bible Stories workshop run by Alan and Alice was attended by 65 people, and a number of people also expressed interest in our new Youth Encounter Groups venture.

For more information on Integr8, please see our Youth Zone.

To book Philippa to speak at your church or young people’s group, please email.