

The work of Through the Roof is generously supported by individuals like you – around 85% of our funding comes from voluntary donations.  Please partner with us to make a difference in people’s lives…

Please use one of the following options, or get in touch on 01372 749955 to donate over the phone.

  • Follow this link to JustGiving to make a one-off or recurring gift
  • Make a bank transfer (Sort code: 82-12-08, Account number: 20047444, Account name: Through the Roof Charitable Trust. It is a Charity Choice bank account with Virgin Money.) Note: If you send money by bank transfer, please contact us on 01372 749955 or to let us know, so we can thank you and claim gift aid, if appropriate. 
  • Leave a gift in your Will (contact your solicitor – all they need is our Registered Charity name and number: 1087788, Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd.). Every gift in every Will, however large or small, will make a difference. 
  • To set up a regular donation by standing order, please contact us for a standing order form (Tel. 01372 749955 or
  • To sponsor a wheelchair, please send us a cheque (not coins!) along with a sponsor form – the form can be downloaded and printed by following this link or by contacting the TTR office on 01372 749955 or

Thank you for supporting Through the Roof.

We believe that God multiplies the impact of our gifts and uses them to change the lives of future generations.